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Afton Tickets Partner Spotlight: Sift Science

Sift Science

In the digital age, online fraud and malicious activities are increasingly sophisticated, posing significant challenges for businesses across industries. Enter Sift Science, a leading player in the field of fraud prevention and digital trust. By leveraging machine learning and advanced analytics, Sift Science helps companies safeguard their operations and enhance user experience. Here we will go over Afton Tickets partner spotlight with sift science.

What is Sift Science?

Sift Science, now known as Sift, is a cybersecurity company that specializes in fraud prevention and digital trust solutions. Founded in 2011, Sift harnesses the power of machine learning and data analytics to identify and mitigate fraudulent activities in real-time. Its platform is designed to help businesses detect and prevent fraud, abuse, and other malicious behaviors across various digital channels.

How Sift Science Works

At the core of Sift’s technology is its robust machine learning engine, which continuously learns and adapts to new fraud patterns. Here’s a breakdown of how Sift Science operates:

  1. Data Aggregation: Sift collects and aggregates data from multiple sources, including user interactions, transaction details, and behavioral patterns. This comprehensive data collection helps build a detailed profile of user activity.
  2. Machine Learning Models: Using advanced machine learning algorithms, Sift analyzes this data to identify patterns and anomalies that may indicate fraudulent behavior. The system is trained to recognize various types of fraud, from account takeovers and payment fraud to fake reviews and abuse.
  3. Real-Time Analysis: Sift’s platform performs real-time analysis of transactions and interactions, providing instant risk assessments. This allows businesses to take immediate action to block or flag suspicious activities before they can cause harm.
  4. Adaptive Risk Scoring: The platform assigns risk scores to each transaction or user interaction based on the analysis. These scores help businesses make informed decisions about whether to approve or decline transactions.
  5. Continuous Learning: One of Sift’s standout features is its ability to continuously learn from new data. As fraud patterns evolve, the machine learning models are updated to reflect these changes, ensuring that the system remains effective against emerging threats.

Key Features of Sift Science

Sift Science
  • Fraud Prevention: Sift provides tools to prevent various types of fraud, including payment fraud, account takeovers, and fake account creation. Its platform helps reduce chargebacks, minimize losses, and protect the integrity of digital transactions.
  • Abuse Detection: Beyond fraud, Sift’s technology detects abusive behaviors such as spam, fake reviews, and harassment. This helps maintain a positive user experience and ensures the authenticity of user-generated content.
  • Customizable Rules: Businesses can customize Sift’s fraud prevention rules to fit their specific needs. This flexibility allows companies to tailor the system to their unique risk profiles and operational requirements.
  • User Experience Optimization: By minimizing false positives and ensuring legitimate transactions are processed smoothly, Sift helps enhance the overall user experience. This balance between security and convenience is crucial for maintaining customer trust and satisfaction.

How Afton Uses Sift

When we onboard a new event organizer, we offer the option to include Sift Science in their package. For a modest additional fee per ticket, Sift Science provides enhanced protection against fraud.

When this feature is activated, every purchase is automatically processed through Sift Science’s sophisticated software. The system evaluates each transaction based on a comprehensive set of criteria, assigning a risk score from 0 to 100. Purchases that score close to 100, indicating a potential threat or high likelihood of fraud, are flagged and may be blocked by our automated workflows.

Additionally, Sift Science monitors chargebacks—instances where customers dispute transactions with their banks. If a chargeback occurs, Sift Science can prevent that customer from making future purchases, further securing your event’s transactions.

For clients who activate this feature, the result is a significantly more secure purchasing process. If you have any questions about Sift Science or wish to enable this feature, please contact your account manager for more details.


In a world where digital threats are ever-evolving, Sift Science offers a powerful solution to combat fraud and maintain digital trust. By leveraging machine learning and real-time analytics, Sift empowers businesses to protect themselves from malicious activities while delivering a seamless user experience. For companies seeking to enhance their fraud prevention strategies and safeguard their operations, Sift Science is a vital tool in the cybersecurity arsenal.

As always if you are looking for some great events to attend you check out our featured events HERE.

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Founder & CEO at Afton Tickets
Ryan Kintz: CEO and Entertainment Visionary
Meet Ryan Kintz, the visionary CEO behind Afton Tickets, Afton LiveStream, and Afton Shows. With a rich background in event organization, concert promotion, and entrepreneurial ventures, Ryan is a prominent figure in the entertainment industry.

Afton Tickets: Elevating Event Experiences
As the co-founder and CEO of Afton Tickets, Ryan serves a diverse clientele, including fairs, festivals, beer/wine/food events, and concerts of various scales, from 500 to 100,000+ attendees. His commitment to excellence shines through, providing tailored ticketing solutions that enhance event experiences and streamline ticket sales.